What women do men dream of? What women can make them proud? Here are top ten features of a high-class woman.
What women do men dream of? What women can make them proud? Here are top ten features of a high-class woman.
- She makes a man pursue his goals, but never interferes with it. She is sure that he is capable of making the right decision in his life. She is there to hold you down, not to coach you. She keeps her opinion to herself unless a man asks for it. And, once again – she is not annoying with her thoughts and advice unless a man asks her himself. She has that skill to make a man set a goal and make him believe that the goal is initiated by himself (“What a pleasure it is to indulge ourselves in our own house in the weekends”; “…a yacht would suit a handsome man like you, I’m sure”)
- She doesn’t try to make a man get jealous. She is confident and she knows her worth. She knows he wouldn’t find one like her because she is a lover, a friend, a wife, but not his mummy!!! She knows she creates paradise around him without being needy or random. She is not playing around to make him jealous
- She is not having a princess complex.She requires being respected just because she is your significant other, not just due to the fact that she is a woman and therefore has a privilege. And her main secret, of course, is the fact, that she has hobbies and interests in her life and she does not get clingy over a man. That is how she became a complete person, I mean she completes herself!!!
- She knows the etiquette rules. A man has no doubts whether he should take her out for a dinner with friends or a meeting parents or a corporative party. He always takes his woman out, because he is sure, that she will behave just right in any circumstances. She is grown enough to impress your colleagues and wise enough to turn up a little bit with her friends.
- She is taking care of herself. No, that does not mean that she is perfect, but she strives for perfection. A man does not have to spot any imperfection of hers because she knows her own flaws and copes with them herself too. She needs a partner, not a daddy.
- She introduces herself with her own name, not as your girl. A man’s status is not a thing to her, except the fact that you are actually a couple.
- She has an opinion and she is capable of saying it and proving it without even raising her voice. She will just let him know what she thinks or what she feels and leave a man to make the final decision.
- No gossiping about her man or complaining to her friends or parents about him. She respects her man and even if he is wrong, she will not prove him wrong around other people. She may only say good things about her man. Let me note, that bragging is not acceptable either because she is living for herself, not making a public stunt out of their relationship but she is sharing the joy between just the two of them, telling her man how lucky she is to have a man that strong with her. And any achievement they have – they will share it in privacy.
- She knows what she wants in life. And she does not give up on her dreams and goals to please a man.
- A man feels lucky around her because she knows that she will always be picking the right one. She is not afraid to be alone and the fact, that she chose you means that she really cares for you and sees the perspective for you two to grow together.
Written by Alea Gordienco
What women do men dream of? What women can make them proud? Here are top ten features of a high-class woman.
Reviewed by for engineering
مارس 03, 2019

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