Polish traditional Clothing
Costumes are part of traditional peasant culture. Today we look at them as objects of art, the phenomenon of artistic excellence. In addition, we can admire the craftsmanship of their aesthetic qualities, sense of taste, sensitivity to colors, which were endowed with the manufacturer.
The biggest bloom of polish traditional clothing was in second part of XIX century. Traditional Polish folk costumes vary by region but are typically brightly colored and decorated with embroidery. Poland's folk costumes are sometimes still worn for special occasions, like weddings, or in the most rural parts of Poland by members of the older generations. Traditional dress in Poland varies by region. Headdresses range from hats to wreathes of flowers, fabric colors vary greatly, and aprons, vests, and ribbons are used depending upon the origin of the costume.
Biłgoraj outfit is one of the archaic type. All parts are made of linen. The original hats of the women are called chamełka of rańtuchem, found in a wider range in the south-east of the Polish territory. There are archaic embroidery motifs decorating the dress's curve and ogee. A peculiarity is in the leather shoes "tyszowiaki" which are equal, without distinction between right and left shoe.
The Biskupian outfit, also called dzierżacki, it is the most iconic symbol of the Biskupian, a regional group who are the residents of several villages south of the county Gostyń. Costumes of this group are now used only during national and church celebrations or by the regional teams on various shows and folk concerts.
Men's outfit:
One of the oldest of the nineteenth century, the male head-dress was a black felt hat called Calendr. Kraków's men also wore wool caps, made of white wool. But the most famous head-dress was a red peaked hat. After the side of the caps is a long bunch of peacock feathers. Red or colorful ribbons tied the ends hanging over his shoulder. Shirts are usually sewn from white linen. Very rarely, they were adorned with white embroidery. its only adornment was a red ribbon or a silver pin with coral. Breeches sewn with fine linen or cotton were put into the shoes.
Women's outfit:
Feminine attire worn in the vicinity of Kraków had many variations and options. In the outfit were: shirt, corset, skirt, apron, shoes and jewelry.
The garment and embellishment of the head of women depended on the season and marital status. The most important and yet most valuable head wear bonnets scarves married women were first worn on the head when removing bride's veil. Shawls are tulle, silk and wool, but most were red, and decorated with floral motifs them. Top summer skirts sewn with silk, linen, or batiste, the winter of wool fabrics. At the turn of the century were forever materials factory. Assigned material for skirts patterned with floral or plain green, blue, red or white. They were long and wide. At the outer skirts women assumed skirts of white cloth, richly embroidered white satin. The most commonly worn shoes were laced, black boots on a high heel. The basic element of jewelry were red true corals.
One of the oldest of the nineteenth century, the male head-dress was a black felt hat called Calendr. Kraków's men also wore wool caps, made of white wool. But the most famous head-dress was a red peaked hat. After the side of the caps is a long bunch of peacock feathers. Red or colorful ribbons tied the ends hanging over his shoulder. Shirts are usually sewn from white linen. Very rarely, they were adorned with white embroidery. its only adornment was a red ribbon or a silver pin with coral. Breeches sewn with fine linen or cotton were put into the shoes.
Women's outfit:
Feminine attire worn in the vicinity of Kraków had many variations and options. In the outfit were: shirt, corset, skirt, apron, shoes and jewelry.
The garment and embellishment of the head of women depended on the season and marital status. The most important and yet most valuable head wear bonnets scarves married women were first worn on the head when removing bride's veil. Shawls are tulle, silk and wool, but most were red, and decorated with floral motifs them. Top summer skirts sewn with silk, linen, or batiste, the winter of wool fabrics. At the turn of the century were forever materials factory. Assigned material for skirts patterned with floral or plain green, blue, red or white. They were long and wide. At the outer skirts women assumed skirts of white cloth, richly embroidered white satin. The most commonly worn shoes were laced, black boots on a high heel. The basic element of jewelry were red true corals.
Polish traditional Clothing
Reviewed by for engineering
أبريل 20, 2018

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