5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going to Japan
Whatever image you have of Japan, it's probably accurate, because it's all there. But you may also have some misconceptions about Japan. Let's see if we can fix that.
For example, many people believe that Japan is one of the world's most expensive countries. In fact, it's cheaper to travel in Japan than in much of North America, Western Europe and parts of Oceania.
Others think that Japan is impenetrable or even downright difficult. The fact is, Japan is one of the easiest countries in which to travel. It is, simply put, a place that will remind you why you started travelling in the first place.
Did you know? That Japan’s literacy rate is a whopping 99% and that the country has over 200,000 ramen restaurants? Pretty amazing. Here are five things you might not know about Japan from the experts in the field - our friends in the travel industry.
1. Book Ahead
I wish I knew how packed hotels and hostels in Tokyo got on weekends. I normally wait until the last minute to get reservations, but that backfired in Tokyo. I had to spend 2 days in a capsule hotel in Tokyo because I couldn't find a room anywhere else. Plan early to ensure you have a hostel in a safe area of town. – Gary Arndt, Everything-Everywhere.com
2. Manage your Money
Automated teller machines are almost as common as vending machines in Japan. Unfortunately, most of these do not accept foreign-issued cards. Even if they display Visa and MasterCard logos, most accept only Japan-issued versions of these cards. Be sure to plan your spending money carefully so you don’t end up dead broke in the middle of your stay. - LonelyPlanet.com
3. Grab a Map
Because location names are often only in Japanese and addresses are often chaotic, be sure to have a good map with you. Mark your accommodation clearly on the map. If you get lost, you can just point to the location to get help from people around, even if they don't speak English. - Peter Daams, Travellerspoint.com
WorldNomads: You might want to learn how to use a traditional Japanese toilet too.
4. Know the Drill
Japan is known for its earthquakes, so should you get stuck in the middle of one crouch under a sturdy table or desk, stand under a doorframe or head for the bathroom – these locations are usually the most structurally sound and offer you the most protection.
WorldNomads: Our staff member Jesse Perez was in Japan the day The Big One struck. Read about his experience and cross your fingers it doesn't happen to you.
5. Get Covered
Medical treatment is expensive in Japan with payment required in advance, so get adequate coverage. - Christina Tunnah, WorldNomads.com
And of course, whenever you’re travelling to a foreign country its always helpful to know a bit of the local language, Learn Japanese with WorldNomads Japanese Language Guide.
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going to Japan
Reviewed by for engineering
مايو 18, 2018

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