The Strawberry
• The strawberry patch is located across the street from our store. Our field is broken up into 3 sections and we grow 12+ varieties, which are all labeled for your convenience.
• “Where do I go when I arrive?”
Park in the lot by the field. Your first stop is at our shed to pick up a reusable picking container; or have the one that you brought from home weighed. We will also tell you which rows we are picking from that day.
• Our strawberries are grown on raised, plastic beds. This system keeps the plants cleaner, cuts down on weeds, and keeps our fruit from sitting in puddles of water. We spread straw between the rows to keep our field clean for you & your family.
• We do ask that you please keep the weather in mind and dress appropriately. If it has rained recently, boots or waterproof shoes are a good idea. There is no shade in the field so don’t forget your sunscreen.
• Do you know which varieties you like by name? If you do, great! If you don’t, we encourage you to try a sample while picking. We want to ensure that you go home with a basket full of berries that you are going to love! In case you are wondering, yes, it is safe to eat the berries in our fields without washing them first. Our family & employees do – LOTS!
• When you have finished picking, head back to our shed to have your berries weighed and pay right there in the field. How easy is that?!? We accept cash & credit cards (MC, Visa, Discover) at our sheds.
• There are over 32 named species and hundreds of varieties of strawberry plants.
• The Garden strawberry is the most common type of strawberry grown commercially.
• Strawberries are the only fruit to wear their seeds on the outside. There are about 200 seeds on each berry!
• 1 cup of strawberries is only 50 calories and 11g of carbohydrates but packs in 160% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C!
• Strawberries are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and are low fat.
• Eight strawberries contain more Vitamin C than a medium sized orange.
• The US strawberry industry is over $1.2 billion dollars annually, and strawberry festivals are very popular.
• The United States is the top strawberry producing country in the world, followed by Spain.
• The typical modern strawberry is a hybrid from both North and South America.
• The strawberry was considered poisonous in Argentina until the mid-1800’s.
• 2 cup of strawberries, crushed will yield about 1 cup of purée.
• Berries picked at full maturity and consumed or frozen within a couple of days will not only taste better, but will also be more nutritious.
• Refrigerate fresh berries in shallow containers as soon as you pick them.
• Wash berries in cold water only when you are ready to use them. Do not allow berries to soak.
• Berries stored with stems stay firm and retain their vitamin C longer than those without stems.
• Remove hulls and spread on absorbent towel until dry.
• Strawberries at room temperature are sweeter than cold strawberries.
• Sweetness varies by variety and growing conditions.
• It is always a good idea to taste one berry from a lot before you process the others. This allows you to adjust the amount of sugar according to the tartness and your individual taste (a somewhat tart berry usually holds flavor better through the freezing process.) Honey may be substituted for sugar (see freezing tips.)
• Sort and remove any bruised or damaged berries as soon as possible and use in sauces, purées or jams. Careful storing and handling will maintain their maximum flavour, colour and texture.
• Basic freezing: Berries may be sliced or mashed and packed 6 parts berries to 1 part sugar.
• Tray Pack: Spread a single layer of fruit on trays, freeze, and remove, package and return to the freezer. Strawberries can be frozen and safely kept for up to 1 year
• No Sugar: Simply pack berries in container and freeze.
• Sugar Pack: Put berries into container, add desired amount of sweetener and freeze.
• Syrup Pack: Whole berries can be packed into a container and covered with a mixture of equal parts sugar and water. Freeze.
• Honey may be substituted for sugar when freezing berries: To substitute, use 1/2 the amount of sugar a recipe calls for. For example, if a recipe calls for 1/2 C sugar for each pint, use 1/4 C honey.
• To Thaw: Frozen berries retain better shape with slow defrosting in the refrigerator–never thaw by placing under running water or in the microwave.
The Strawberry
Reviewed by for engineering
مايو 08, 2018

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